Al Copeland Foundation Patient Assistance Fund
For the month of September, the Al Copeland Foundation in partnership with Children’s Hospital of New Orleans is raising money for the Al Copeland Patient Assistance Fund.
The cancer patient assistance fund was established to help ease the financial burden facing families of children diagnosed with cancer, with an emphasis on children who are enrolled in a cancer clinical trial.
Money from this fund is awarded to families in the form of grants. These grants are then put towards expenses such as household bills, transportation, food, supplemental medicine, lodging and other necessary expenses that are incurred by families paying for cancer medical treatment.
With the help of the Vicari Auction the SuperDucks campaign has raised a total of $208,000. Come October 4-7, 2023 the SuperDucks will be at Vicari Auction during Cruisin’ the Coast to continue raising money to help families in need.

Grants Awarded
Since the fund opened in April of 2023. 22 families have been awarded grant funding.
- 75% of the funds have gone towards households bills which encompass electric, rent, water, phone, and internet bills.
- 20% of the funds have gone towards transportation costs incurred by families having to travel from outside the New Orleans Metropolitain area.
- The remaining 5% help cover food and other miscellaneous costs that families face while supporting their child through cancer treatment.
Fill the Fund 2023
For the month of September, we will be raising money to FILL THE FUND.
$25 – Assistance with supplemental medications
$50 – Helps a family with travel expenses
$100 – Helps with groceries for a month
$250 – Assistance with household bills
$500 – Assistance with rent or mortgage