Education & Outreach
Prevention On The Go
Mary Bird Perkins - Community Cancer Screenings Program
Prevention on the Go is designed to provide education and early detection services in locations where people live, work, worship, shop and play. Using our mobile medical clinic, the Cancer Center travels throughout Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi to serve thousands of participants each year.
This nationally-recognized program has a longstanding legacy of providing gold-standard and innovative early detection services. Since 2002, Prevention on the Go for the community has provided more than 100,000 screenings resulting in nearly 800 cancers detected.
Screening services are provided at no cost thanks to the generosity of the community. For information on Prevention on the Go’s community program, call (225) 215-1234.

How to Access Clinical Trials
and Treatments?
The Gulf State Clinical Trial Network was created to bring together hospitals and doctors along the Gulf South to bring life-saving clinical trials to our region. This allows patients access to innovative, ground-breaking treatment options closer to their home and family.
What Is a Clinical Trial or Cancer Study?
Clinical trials help determine if medications and treatments are safe and effective for treating or preventing diseases. These trials provide doctors with new ground-breaking medications and treatments to help change the course of cancer.
Cancer Education & Information
If you would like to know more about a specific type of cancer, day-to-day life with cancer, understanding a diagnosis, or any other information, we recommend visiting the links below.